Hello, everybody. I figured I'd post there here since they're getting swallowed up on the maps page. These are two works in progress built for...
Hey, any chance you can change my profile name. I don't know why it's NOT my gamertag.
Updated with objects based on feedback that allow faster access to the rest of the areas in the map. Also updated with spawn zones, neutral...
SigSauer updated Mythos with a new update entry: Mythos v1.2 Read the rest of this update entry...
SigSauer submitted a new map: Mythos - Minimalist 4v4 map. Slayer/CTF/Stronghold support Gamertag: fun fortress [MEDIA] Hey, everybody, here's...
Gamertag: fun fortress [MEDIA] Hey, everybody, here's another one for you, this time a 4v4 map. Mythos is a symmetric, small-scale map with...
An update to Vengeance. Fixes to geometry gaps and killzones. Video tour. [MEDIA]
SigSauer updated Vengeance with a new update entry: Vengeance a0.2 Read the rest of this update entry...
You can still save your map if it's giving you the 'retrieving data' bug. Just bookmark your map, have a friend download it, save it under a new...
Some people might already know about this, but I figured I'd share something I've learned in the Forge for 5; How to effectively create sequenced...
Yes, I would. I'd do it in an instant since level design has been something I've been into for about seven years now. I'd love to do something I...
I'm not positive how I triggered this, but changing one of my map's names in the main menu does not cause the change to be reflected within Forge...
I'm a fan of the minimalist look. Only thing I think I'd change are the metallics to mattes, but, that's just me. I want to follow you so that I...
Here I am on Waypoint. Where are you trying to find me, by the way? Can you search for players in H5 itself?
SigSauer submitted a new map: Vengeance - Big-Team-Battle focused in a compact space. CTF/Slayer support. GAMERTAG: fun fortress Not sure where...
GAMERTAG: fun fortress Not sure where to get the link for sharing, if it's even available, but you should be able to find it through my profile....
Gah! It's so much better, and not at a resolution worthy of 90s-era texture scaling! I'll definitely have to get used to that, instead of the lazy...
Awwwwwwww yeah, I always loved The Cage and Uncaged back in Reach. One thing that I'm thinking running around it and looking at it, though, is...
Map Title: dm_b01.1* *I don't have an official 'name' for this map yet, considering the fact that after about fourteen hours of work on it I...
The reason I say go lighter on the ranged weaponry is because of both the open spaces and the fact that most players start with those weapons...