Ah right haha... I might think of something different then. Edit: Which has been done now :) New name is "Tank's Empty"
Thanks :)
Ah I didn't realise haha, I've already made the video now though so I won't change it. But in my next map I'll try to think of something more...
Which I was playing in before, I believe! :)
"Tank's Empty" by iSkiill Life's cruel once you run out of fuel. Download Map Gametype As your fuel gauge ticks ever closer to empty, you...
I was recently making a map in the style of a Left 4 Dead infection map, where you must follow a linear path to reach a "safe room" for anyone who...
Yeah, I thought I saw them in a picture too. But I wasn't sure if that was the coloured lights or powerups.
Just 50 doors, windows and walls but 100 ramps?! What are you going to need 100 ramps for? I'm confused... :( I'm guessing the objects in the...
I've hit the object limit for the map so I can't add any cover. When you play it though you'll realise that you don't really need cover: Humans...
Does anybody know of any movable objects that are in Reach? Obviously the soccer ball and golf ball, any others? We saw in the Forge World...
You would think that it would just be a mega campfest, but it isn't. The gameplay is quite fair. It is hard to organise your teammates into one...
The Wilderness iSkiill http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqliuul4JPI Description "The Wilderness" is a fun infection gametype, best...
Hemorrage isn't a very object filled map yet they only have $6000 budget left. If you were making a complicated map filled with alot of objects...