None of these alternate game type quick fixes matter since respawning will never work.
I've played with you before and I know you're a cool guy who's dedicated to Halo, and I see you're much more active on ForgeHub than Mazdak, and...
Why couldn't Bungie have waited for 343 to get their stuff working before they pulled the plug on stats and fileshares? This makes both companies...
Does Asphalt have a ForgeHub thread? I haven't yet had the (mis)fortune of encountering it in Matchmaking.
I couldn't figure out a decent design for it that wouldn't be a pain in the ass series of narrow pathways and a framerate nightmare. If you think...
I couldn't find a way to pull this off that wasn't a mess of small playspaces and narrow bridges that would remind people of The Cage, as...
Thanks for hotlinking the images. Maybe I can build slightly submerged paths between the houses that you use Ghosts as "boats" to travel across?
I'm dreaming up a competitive map concept based around an Asian fishing village. It will take place in the Forge World ocean, near the Pillar,...
I played Multi-Flag on this about two weeks ago. I don't know if that was before or after you solved your spawn issues, but my team kept...
I played this and found Jetpack to be too dominant because there were few other ways to get on top of the big boxes. Although it might mess up the...
Thanks for being open minded about it, but the experiment was a failure because I couldn't find a way to make it so you could pilot the Falcons...
It looks like the game will require honor rules to work, otherwise people will use the Falcons to fight back against the defenders, which ruins...
I PM'd him too, Stevo. The variant I built has defenders in Revenants (damage increased so the Revy can blow up a Falcon in two hits, so they're...
I'd like to tinker around with Stealin Your Flags and change some things, maybe make it where the defenders have Revenants and Wraiths or maybe...
I'd like to make a mod of this where the defenders have Revenants or Wraiths. Let me know if it's okay to release if it works out, and of course,...
Fortunately only about two hours of effort went into upgrading the map to its newest version so I'll just redo it when I have the time. I'll...
A month ago I made a big team vehicle combat map called Action Canyon. It was pretty good in Alpha, then I made some changes and saved it as a...
This is great! I'm always up for testing sweet new maps.
I love the futuristic medieval fortress look... i'll gladly test it, GT: The Pib
You can build your own rock cliff by phasing lots of sea stacks and big rock objects together, says the guy with his head in his ass.