I actually find that a little bit lame. I was hoping for some awesome thing like you see him walking into the chamber and closing it maybe. Not...
Just seen all the armor and security is the most amazing set of shoulders ever but the way i seen it was someone modded max rank and they didn't...
Well i know i won't be back till about 2am my time so i won't have this problem
This questions has been asked so many times. Think of the other maps in similarity to heritic forging And theres forge discussion too.
I think it does. Your logic makes no sense. Wheres the fun in just giving it away? Let the community figure it out, although i'm not saying they...
I bet you they made it possible on purpose But extremely hard to figure it out. Im with urk on this one.
He was banned for posting leaked content. I'm a bit surprised the mod who Perma-banned him didn't lock/delete the thread.
This might get interesting? OT: Well i sound like i'm 11, Says almost anyone i play with atleast. But it doesn't bother me at all.
Is this even allowed? And if it is:pics or it didnt happen
If you still got some helmets i would like to take one of those off your hands.
Im not sure about the recon visor helmet, but elite officer comes with the limited edition.
he pretty much wants to make a map thats externally/visually a penguin. But in the belly of the penguin is an arena where you spend your custom...
Yeah i like the idea of the ground coming through..but it also is badass when its all forerunner. Biz just throw me a pm and friday i'll...
Epic bump? Not really man. It plays pretty bad because of all the crappy fixes, wait till reach and make something new
I liked it But its incredibly simple like almost every other griffball map. I want to see you make something new with griffball take advantage of...
What the hell jix? I mean seriously...what the ****. well we have those bird looking things that are ravengers?
Defiantly now worth buying every single armor/helmet
I doubt it... i recently found my halo 1 (pc) and i've been modding that for the lulz. Good times eh? If they do come out with dlc for silent...
I really doubt they added that. i know it counts for forge, campaign, and firefight,...online (derp) Custom game experiance would be the worst...
K, cause your not going to be hearing from me till friday cause of highschool.