the sniper is ok, it just has too many shots IMO. 12 shots in the sniper on hemorrhage is just way too much. 8 is a decent number not too OP and...
I agree completely. if bungie can't change the geometry of forge world, they can at least put soft kill barriers around popular snipe areas (I...
pics or it didnt happen. (rules require it, bro)
this thread is just completely swerving off-topic. abandoning ship.
i dont understand why bungie didnt think of it in the first place. this would bring much more people into playing invasion, instead of two...
What if Bungie presented us with an invasion gametype involving Sabres, Seraphs, and Banshees? and the objective was to defend your ship? sort of...
Killtalica -5:00 GMT (Eastern US) available between 4:00 - 6:00 everyday (4:00 - 12:00 on friday) Age: twee and a hav years old. ... Alright fine, 16
sounds like my friend's map from halo 3, The Mountain. If it's anything like it, then the objective would be to get the to top of the slope...
That's just inappropriate and childish. There should be some kind of rule against posting such maps.
not really a glitch. just exploiting a part of a game's normal function
to get back 4 jetpacks, hover over the one left, press B and click "DELETE ALL OF THESE". then you will be able to place the jetpacks again. not...
I seriously agree with this. they should at least put a soft kill zone on the top of that tower. I was playing a game yesterday and the entire...
and he calls himself intellectual... :lol:
What are you talking about? I totally understanded what realy happened in Reach.
This belongs more in the Reach general discussion thread.
for the love of god, someone lock this EDIT: bah.. follows the rules... nevermind
Really liking this map. Looks like it has a Goldeneye-esque thing going on (or not but it definitely reminds me of the cradle level) just looks...
I had an Idea for an Ice Cream Man game where the only way to kill the guy was to use the custom powerup + armor lock. hopefully you can hand the...
"most" but not EVERYONE ;D
I don't know whether to classify the next paragraph as a spoiler or not (more like a repost of an ignored post on page 4 -__- ) Dr. Halsey is in...