I managed to snag it in matchmaking
Legendary, i wanna be one of the first few thousand to beat on legendary
Where I live, there's no sales tax if you pre-order, so it costs less
Microsoft owns all the rights to the halo franchise, the only reason it says that is because Bungie has split apart from Microsoft EDIT: in the...
aren't we all forgetting that the beta will give us something "funnish" and "kinda new" to do until reach comes out?
awesome map, the only disappointment was there was no king whomp at the top trying to smush me PS i found the rocket launcher you hid inside the map
not if you pre-ordered at gamestop Gamestop.com - Buy Xbox 360 Limited Edition Halo: Reach Console - Xbox 360 EDIT: sorry, i didnt mean you got...
that would be sick, everything on jenga falling really slow like
is the limited edition halo reach xbox360 bundle a version? cuz thats what i pre ordered
[IMG] Link - Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
Pretend you don't see the regenerator xD [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] First one...
[IMG] something i made awhile ago in snowbound
It acts more like H3 warthog now... maybe it got heavier
Only if they totaly deserve it
Y-zomb Created by VoiceLock Supported Gametypes: zomb Map Description First Zombie spawns with the option to get active camo by outwitting a...