Here you are my first Halo live action montage. I hope you enjoy it ... And ... don't forget to SUBscribe ;-) YouTube - Halo Live Action Film...
Tanks and...your welcome! One video for moth! Promise! And tanks to bungie Pro for this... ;)
If u want add me, My GT is compox, surprise???
Really? Beacause I see the video into this thread, it isn't a link... if you don't see it, search compox95 or halo 3-fun with friends on youtube ;)
Hi everyone, i do bungie Pro and i start recording me and my friend into the best map for playing toghether. Here you are the first 2 video: On...
HI, my nick is compox, i'd like very much Halo and i think that forge is a very great idea. I prefer do custom mach in Halo 3, i don't like very...