There talk about the stuff we know about so far, and then probably give us a few little nice things, maybe a look into firefight custom settings...
It was a question asked on krunchtaculars youtube channel, with a guy that went to comic-con. He asked and I believe shishka denied it. Fingers...
2 words. Good luck. If you can make this on the game, I want to play it! Looks insane!
Please say this is true, I heard a while ago there was no objective in Arena :/ I hope that they fixed it :) CTF FTW
I completly agree, a good team is made by a a few members who then meet others in some way, you need to be at the same skill level and have the...
It doesn't matter, rocket race would not work due to the rocket launcher homing again :(
^That But it does still look awesome! And if that is a civillian vehicle than sure the mongoose is aswell. This seems to have more armour than...
I want to make a lockout-esque map by just using whats in my head at the time. Improvisation FTW :D :D
If only there was a "Hold RB to ride Moa",,,
Thing I do on every halo, customise my spartan to what I want (and elite.) Then go through all the emblems until I get something I like, which...
I loved the BR. But love the DMR even more! Graphically, it's better, it's more consistant and takes the same ammount of time to kill someone as...
saw this video earlier, gives a better scale than the images last seen of Spire. And actually, looks surprisingly fun. Thats if they've mastered...
A D-day map with invasion is gunna kick so much ass it's unbelievable! The possibilities seem endless at the moment, god damn hype!
Due to the accuracy of DMR. I have to pick it. Unless, we are talking about the halo 2 BR. And we all know the epicness of that beast!
that guns big...and I mean..real big!
Hi all, I thought since I would make a welcome post, to introduce myself. This is not the first time I have been a member of the site as I joined...