Finally donkey kong remade on halo reach thank you it looks good besides the fact that its a little thinner than the halo 3 version but besides...
Check out The peanut v2 it fixes the problem.
i added a bit more detail in how the game was played thanks for the feedback.
The Peanut V2!!! The peanut is back and better than ever. New Obstacles and a new spawning system. It is bigger for more room to avoid the...
Not everyone played the first one so u should just explain it
you should close off the top of the map to give an indoor feeling
Gamertag:ObamasButcheeks Times you can get on:Weekend 2:00pm to 11:00 pm. Weekdays depending on how much homework i got to 8:00 pm Pacific time...
i found something that may ruin gameplay you can get in the wraith if timed perfectly when it goes through the tunnel
Alright dude thanks i will post it up tomorrow
Alright thanks i will put that in asap
My gamertag is obamasbutcheeks because i really am obamasbutcheeks
can someone please tell me how i can post thumbnails for my maps
Dude i dont know what to tell youi will try to get online and fix the problem Edit: alright i just got online checked it out and nothing was...
dude i can never get the thumbnails to work please put that up
Ants on The peanut was a game that i loved in custom games on halo 3 and was sad because no one has made one for halo reach. Then i came up with...
i have being getting really mad cause i made a map and i try to make a gametype to play it with and its says its not compatible can someone please...
just a sick pic of an evil looking guy [IMG]