I literally think I stared at the random boxes in the water for about ten minutes when I played this you wondering why I couldn't think of that....
Don't you mean v2? Haha, but yeah I'll coforge with you anyday bro :) I fixed that glitch where you could get on the 'ceiling' or 'chandelier'
Okay so with the success of my halo 3 map, along with the introduction of forgeworld, i was inspired to create a new map. When i was in myphysics...
you probably should have posted this in competitive maps just because of the outragesly numbered gametypes you can play on this, i like the...
hmm, this is very wierd. I would make sure your initial spawn point is still there in forge.also check how many initial spawn points exist on the...
yeah it sounds like when you clicked delete all of these spanws you erased all of the existing ones, and once you delete all these existing ones...
yeah i dunno what he could do for the mystery boxes, hmm can you pick up a custom power up in a mongoose?
i wish they had more lights so you could add color to the forts(?) haha, i think you should set up a battle gametype with three lives like the old...
you need to add some pictures, go here to learn how. and here are the map posting rules.
A few more pictures definetely would get you some morecomments cause there is not much to say about your picture. Are those see through windows...
Awhhh no ingame pictures of me?:( haha. oh well! this was equally as amazing in the visual side of things compared to how amazing the gameplay...
What is that picture of ---->
I'll still play with all you guys, I'm not gonna leave anyone hanging. I just don't want a clan I'm apart of, of PS you should send a visitor...
you had commented on my preview of my map and asked for a different view i think? oh well here it is anyway.the map was PYTHAGORAS.i made a...
PS: i didnt put the bridge over the top into the person view sketch or a center structure.ill wait till reach to design that.haha
okay so i made a personview drawing of PYTHAGORAS hopefully you can understand it from the overview, the only things slanted like a ramp are...
Yeah i'm going solo, I have too many friends that will be back playing halo to only play with some, and I'm gonna forge and matchmake all day, and...
Welllll I'm not a tester, and everytime I try and post I get warned. I think they hate me from my old account on here. Hahaha
Yeah I feel yah, I just got done a first person view of the map (a sketch on paper). I'm going to try and remake it on paint, I'm so pissed my...
D00d, i can't sleep either, haha, my map new mad design for reach is driving me crazy. all i think about in school is that map cause we are...