Well I preordered the game so I'm probably not going to be on this site anymore. Maybe like when I'm super bored. But I've got too many real life...
I like it. I like the way you have the walkways under the bridge. reminds me of half life 2. also, what are you gonna have on the ends of the...
Okay I just want to be 100% clear before I do anything. If I preorder the limited edition from Amazon.com then in game I will get to use RECON and...
I have a name idea for it. Narrows. what...? They already did that..? Okay then call it slims.
I remake other people's maps sometimes. But I only use them for myself and my own custom games. And I say who the original map was by. It's mainly...
I never learned out to make switches. I didn't even learn how to interlock until about 4 or 5 months ago. It really took my maps to new heights...
I never even thought about the physics of the waterfall. hmmm... Should be pretty sweet though just to have a waterfall. I sort of want to build a...
I like it. It reminds me of some of the structures on the covenant level of halo 3
i just hope they don't give us anymore deserts. I hate deserts.
I don't know about everyone else but lately my girlfriend and I have broken up, she found someone new, I had to get braces, I can barely eat...
this site is affiliated with bungie and cannot accept leaks. *wink *wink.
Alright. I'm pretty sure that once I get some microsoft points for my birthday (four days before reach) I'll get marathon and then I can be...
Well I'm preordering so I'll have recon from the start and I'm preordering from gamestop so I can mix my recon helmet with the multi-threat armor....
I'll go to school. I'll try to spark a conversation with my ex girlfriend I'll get a chance to talk to her for five seconds before she has to go...
Staying off bungie.net isn't even good enough now. People are posting the ending to the campaign on here too now and I can't take it. What's wrong...
I don't really care about MLG. I have never played it and I probably never will. So it doesn't bother me that it's in the game for the people who...
Whenever I think about what to do with these one way shield doors all I think of is like how in old nintendo games they had the side scrollers...
I read some of the npc deaths but I know I'm going to forget about them by the time I get the game. so who cares. And really this is bad because a...
Why do you even have to quit anyway? If I really have to go do something I just go hide somewhere so I hopefully won't die or anything and then...
I didn't notice any problems with the focus rifle when I used it in the beta. I don't pay attention to weapon damage at different distances and...