gt: deathbykaraoke [free agent]
very well done! nice take off of the Team Fortress Last Resort maps, and innovative use of VIP. awesome intro, and i can't wait to try it out w/ a...
AZN, mind explaining your flag spawn comment? Why would setting the minimum to one change anything?
that's actually a pretty cool idea I'm not really that unhappy about the flag thing, I just would have been cool. How do I make it so people can...
Is it possible to make a teams flag spawn in random places. for example... The Blue team has 5 different flag spawns. Can Billy Blue make his...
Re: HOW TO: Hi-Def pics (noob-proof intructions) thanks, I've wanted to enter the ForgeHub competition, but I didn't know how to post map pics....
this is deathbykaraoke. Not new to forums, I used to be an admin for a pretty popular PSP site. I know no one ever reads these, but I figured it...