^^^^^ Maybe
new hint!!! --- Wait didnt notice but he has it right. Sept in september means 7 so he wins
Well if a lot of you know that Bungie is in love with the number 7. If you look at the date there is a 7 in the release date. Can you find it?...
K i didn want gamestop or walmart to screw me over. Thnx
Im wondering will these codes be put on a card and put in the box or will somebody give you the codes will you pick up the game. Im about to go...
"Theyve always been faster" in the begining of Halo ce and "dust and echoes" at the end of halo ce
Have you noticed it yet. Examples Dust and Echoes” – Obtained by completing 8th mission on Normal /Harder Send Me Out…With a Bang” – Obtained...
Halo 2600: Halo Redone For the Atari 2600
I guess i heard something like that but i dont know anything
Didnt see anything but i have heard about this and wasnt to sure about this. If there are safe zones what are they.
I really cant see it in the maps that have already been announced but we'll have to see
To some of you it may be easy. Easy as in easy to make more complex maps than we could ever think of in sandbox or foundry. Just by looking at the...
Please tell me how this does not violate the constitution
it also is unconstitutional as it violates the first admendment. Video games are the same thing as books, movies, and music.
I found this on the IW forums and it looks interested. Title-Do you live in CA & are under the age of 18? If that is the case, you may want...
Hi i usually come here every so often just because im bored but now then i became interested in forge a lot more when bungie revealed forge world...