I've read only a couple of the books but from what I can gather even just from the games, the spartans in halo wars (although not particularly "in...
Was referred to this by Insane54 and MickRaider's map design thread and, from a relatively basic understanding of spawning, I was able to follow...
Hey man, I noticed your sig on a thread, could this be another Alesana fan? It's so damn difficult to find anyone who even has a clue who they...
I guess we've never suffered HUGELY from the single variant in Halo 3, but at least we can place more of them. And you never know, reach's...
I have a somewhat mixed opinion on this. On the one hand it dishes out the humiliation earned by your infinite superiority (by quite literally...
I'm Conor, don't mind what you want to call me (normally people stick to Conor/Wolf/BlueWolf). Chose my name due to my gamertag The_BlueWolf_22...
Wow. This map really is an achievement, this is exactly the kind of thing that Bungie are talking about when they say they were amazed at some of...