Hey guys! I started a thread about this but ppl have been telling me to ask here. SO my question is, does anyone know the forge items on any map...
yeah but forge discussion is manlt about forgeworld ( in my opinion)or at least it seems like that
Ok so,I have been sooo excited about forgeworld that i basically know Everything about it,But i Totaly turned a blind eye all the other maps in...
2days,12hours,25mins,30 sec
CAN somebody ANY body please tell me if they have see the inside of the island on forgeworld?!?!? I AM dieing to find out it its just a hallway or...
I hope you know that like all Sentences,they should all be started with a capital letter, and your (i) should also be capitalised.As you can see I...
IMma spend it all on sexy PRonz!!! whats the haunted helmet?!? can sumone link me? but seriously tho im going to make my guy as buly and beast as...
are you guys sure that the gravity Cant go below 50%??? maybe they have it so u could have like 10% or 0% !!!!! ^_^ i doubt that tho
would it makes sense for custom game to be custom games? that's like changing firefight to firefights,because u are only have ONE custom game and...
Are you sure its called (multi-threaD) I always thought it was called (multi-THREAT) armor? maybe i am wrong tho?
I agree with Pegasi,If im going to be paying roughly 130$ to play online(half for reach and half for Xbox live)I would like the freedom to leave...
Whats halo reach???? Is that like a new fancy I-pod or walkman or something?
I'm sure Bungie wouldn't tell us EVERYTHING, they would still want us to find their ``secrets/Easter eggs`` I'm hoping that this rumor is true...
did you mean 6,832$ ??? beacause there is only 10,000$ worth of budget( i think it might be a typo tho) :P THIS idea reminds me of a level on the...
yes I agree with you but,if someone is making``excessive noise`` the u can just open the leader boards and mute them manually like in halo 3. why...
I Agree with this thread IT IS indeed ridiculous! In halo 3 the muting was perfectly FINE,if someone was being annoying or their mic was buzzing...
still it would be nice if they kept the good ol things from halo 2+3 like unlimited banshee and ghost boost+add new things like forgeworld
:O OH NO! WHY bungie?
yes but look at the little symbol on the left( the circle that shows what AA you have equipped
this may seem noobish but in the first video when it is frozen at the begining it looks like a new armor ability? can someone explain what im seeing?