What are you talkin about? The beam rifle is faster than the human sniper if you time it right, plus you dont have to reload it compared to the...
i dont have the link, i think i saw it on ign, but anyways i saw a video where they used the mongoose racing gametype on spire, so im guessing...
i actually was discussing this with one of friends about a month ago saying how awesome it would be if noble 6 actually turned out to be master chief.
Ill change it then, i didnt think anyone else had that one. Sorry about that.
I 3rd this. A skillful forger is not based on whether he/she can master the pain in the ass tricks in Halo 3's forge. A skillful forger will plan...
Cant wait to forge. It is going to be epic.
Looks nice, ill have to try it out.
yea that would be cool if we could go way up by the mountain, but i think that what we have seen so far is what we are going to get. Forge world...
a headlong remake would be pretty cool, but that would probably be pushing the budget limit even on forge 2.0
Im thinking an invasion type map based on "The Covenant" mission in halo 3, like there would be 2 huge forerunner structures and the spartans or...
Im getting the game at midnight, im checking out the forge first, and then i will probably start the campaign.