I don't really understand whats happening over there but this is what it sounds like to me (simplified): North Korea is having trouble coming to...
lolz ok...
Can you link me to this post of mine that you find angry and immature.. Im pretty sure i swear in every single post at some point.. So I'm having...
Analogies are fun! But there is a requirement. You have to be aware of when they are being used. I did't think I would ever have to point this...
1, actually. (Made it in multimedia fusion 2.) (ok fine it was a big modification).. And: No. I assume armor abilities where being balanced around...
The problem with bungie is that they do not do a great job when they are in deadline mode. From my understanding, a majority of bungies...
Ok Ill try it out ty
How do you define "athletic ability" exactly. I would especially like to know since you don't think endurance isn't on that "list". Speaking of...
My point was that Stadium sport are gigantic over here. Sure people do an uncountably many other things, but the things that get the most...
You're Right! MLG isn't a sport, its is just a game. I have known no one, even in the MLG community who would call it a sport. So you mean...
This is no attempted to undermine what anyone has said... In fact I agree pretty much everything. Though I have to point out something -...
fine "lazy" isn't the right word. "unimaginative" maybe would be better.. I'm probably the only one that thinks this, but i feel the people who...
Yup! Every "room" in that level is spiritual successors of something or another. Bungie's level design crew has gotten lazy over the years I've...
A machete would work... More than just work in fact.. though I was thinking it would be more ba if it were more of a really huge combat knife,...
Exactly. Im not pro at photoshop but I was thinking along the lines of this: Not this color, and definably more "haloee": [IMG] But a very...
tl; biribiwsfi (Too long; but I read it because it was so ****ing interesting.) Seriously though, that was awesome. I knew that there was...
Ya.. that thread wasn't working.... As for the melee.. you would only do the scream when you get assassinated and the Grunts and shouts during...
Don't you just love when people try to make you look like a lazy asshole? I wouldn't have argued that it takes to much time to build stuff, that...
I called it! Idea Grave Yard... The fact that the thread is named "Post all your ideas here!" plus the fact that the thread creator bailed tells...