I just don't see what makes this map a "strategy custom game." It just seems like you just plopped down vehicles and weapons (like EliteWarrior...
I really wish this gametype would become more popular because this has easily become one of my favorite gametypes to play with. If you play this...
Check out MY haunted helmet!
GT: Phantom Dance
This map truly is amazing because of all the different colors and aesthetic details like the sign and computer and this map just needs more attention.
Judging from the pictures, seems difficult and you could've included more information about the game and more than just two pictures...
[IMG] From the epic minds at DeviantART.
This post isn't up to standards, mate. You need to have atleast one picture and a detailed description of the map. Here's how to embed pics to...
I'll be willing to help anywhere I can. GT: adambomb1226
This seems like a fun concept but I don't see the point of having swords if you have golf balls unless the swords do more damage. Also, say if a...
I don't think there's much motivation to download this map because you say that you are adding your own flavor it this but with the overwhelming...
Hmmm...you sure that hole is big enough to score? Seems iffy but I guess only downloading it will answer my question...
Evoke FTW.
It says the video was removed by the user, might want to get to fixing that.
Wow, I'm glad this is getting more and more attention because these maps are truly amazing, my favorite is Raccoon City and the destroyed version...
Wait so, the purpose of this map is to take screenshots from it?
A very fun and addicting game but the spartan lasers seem unnecessary since you can't really charge up and fire while on the battlefield. I...
Yoinks are pretty funny, but once it happens to you, you might have a different story. Once, I threw a plasma grenade up the spire lift and got a...
Awesome video. My favorite one was probably the thumbnail pic and the one with the guy whose about to drop the dropshield with the explosion...
Ahahaahaha. That wasn't you in the video??? And the title of this thread makes you seem like you got your hopes so very high: I'm in Fails of the...