The MJOLNIR Mark-VI that Chief was wearing at the beginning of H3 had a "re-entry pack" built into the armor. The backpack that Noble 6 was...
Awesome. But who could've thought: "hey, there's this button; let's press it, and then fly a Falcon through that big arch thingie over there and...
I can test MIDNIGHT...haha, get it? No, but I can't test it today, sorry. Weekdays are usually no-go's for XBox for me. But I like the map.
Yeah, I didn't mean required, I'm just too lazy to go download a map that for all I know could be some blocks stacked on top of each other. That's...
Looks pretty nice, although the top screenshot gives a bit too much of a panoramic view to tell much about the structure.
Uhh, you kinda need some...just go into theatre and take some...
I wish forge had water items; the fact that the dam has no water on either side really throws off the authenticity for me.
Doesn't the jetpack fly kinda slow to be considered racing? It doesn't have the best horizontal velocity...
Thanks; +1 to invisible rep system for you! If only there were more people willing to be brutally honest. I greatly appreciate it. :)
Awesome, finally some constructive criticism! The walkways right now are just proof-of-concept modes of transportation from area to area. Was...
Thanks! Nice to see some interest in my map. It seems as though there have been a lot of ForgeHub guests checking it out, and not many members....
It just doesn't seem to have a "signature theme".
Darn. /thread, I guess.
Is there a death barrier above the upside-down Dish on the right side of the first screenshot, or is that playspace?
It's called z-fighting. When two objects are merged and have the exact same depth, they will fight for the top layer. This is easily solved by...
Okay. But I agree with woodenleaf that it can be a possible gameplay confounder.
Hmm..."Sunken Garden"? One problem I have a grav lift that goes to the top of the garden with a one-way shield on the top. That's...
Would making it fall out of the sky onto/into the rotation mechanism make it work, a la Halo 3, or would customs cause it to spawn in the sky and...