I'm trying to cut down on my block usage, becuase they have so many uses. I find it's better o use the specialised pieces, then the versitile...
A few with four bridge pieces, but most with the almighty brace large. That piece has so many uses...
Okay, the map is relatively small with about 4 rooms, one on the bottom level, two on the middle and one on the top. The vents, so far, lead to...
Me and two friends spent 3 hours trying it last night and completed it. But, one of us had a douchebag for a brother, who disconected his internet...
Alright guys, Thanks for your comments, much appreciated.
Thank you for making this, it's very much appreciated.
I'm making an infection map, and I had the idea for using vents. Basically, the zombies spawn in a room above the map, and they can drop down into...
This is a brilliant idea, really innovative! DLing... How about the elites have grav hammers, but can't cause any damage?
Have you considered making your dome in a buckminster fullerene design? (it's not as hard as it sounds) Here's what I mean...
I'm pretty sure that the aesthetic category is for maps that are purely for looks. If it has good aesthetic qualities, but is also designed for...
Looks a little dull, maybe add some colours in. Not lights, but coloured pieces. It'll also help with navigation.
Respawn zones put priority on the points inside it, so you could make that respawn zone spawn in after a stage in invasion.
There's way to much empty, flat space there. Try cutting it down, add more building, cover or maybe levels.
More Pics = more downloads.
Yes, I agree, much more cover is needed. Also, why add add in some nice aethetic features? I'm not sure what, but the map, right now, looks a...
While this is beautifully made, it shouldgo in competative,as it has weapons etc. I'm planning on making some machinima with friends, would you...
Holy crap is that out of bounds!? You'll be getting a definite DL from me if it is!
it depends on what the object is being used for. For example, if for a king of the hill (KoTH) game, you set a warthog as the hill, it's shape...
Please, add some central "dancefloor". It doesn't even have to be that big, but the pathways are VERY limited. And more walways/platforms leading...
It's very difficult to make a camp free map.