No, you con't go inside. I WAS going to make something inside, but due to lack of objects I didn't. And it's based off of a Campaign level, not a...
Embry Square is a symetrical remake of an area in Gears of War. I've spent a lot of time working and testing this map, and I think it's ready to...
Does anybody have any tips?
I'd have to give the zombies very little damage resistance, and I'd need a lot more fusion coils. I also needed some help on layout. If anyone...
I wanted to make a Concert Stadium in the Coliseum into an infection/slayer map, but I lack the creativity to make a unique, functional map. I...
Nice find, I'll be sure to try this out later.
lol, I suck when it comes to making drop pods. Had 2 failed Drop Pods in a row..
I've been trying to experiment with making buildings on Forge World, but the only good objects I can use are Colliseum Windows and Walls. And...
I have a lot of things I want to make in Forge World. Mainly the prison from Gears 1 that I mapped out a while ago, but couldn't make it in Halo...
You need to right click on the pictures on, and save them. Then create a Photobucket account (It's free!) and upload them to...
Uh, I guess it could. But it was designed mainly for Last Spartan. But Asset is Brutes and I only have Elite's weapons for this map. But go ahead,...
... And you have nothing to say about the updated version ...
Very nice work, but I did notice one problem. In the one room with rock like things (I'm not too good at describing things), you can camp and...
Maybe, I actually wasn't thinking of that. But the Defenders still have limited ammo, so it can only go on for so long. And You'd have to be a...
[IMG] Map DL: Titan Outpost Gametype DL: Last Spartan Last Spartan is a VIP gametype I made that was inspired by rifte gifle's Asset. The...
I assumw that you mean you'll be remaking it in Reach then?
Can someone tell me how a map gets more downloads than it's own map? And expect to see Holdout v6 a few days after Reach comes out.
What exactly is MLG Styled? Like, just MLG weapon placement, or what?
"Screenshot not found" is all I see.
This all sounds very complicated. Even more complicated since I've never made a switch before.