i see a ton of dodgeball maps. It must be a very popular gametype therefore i will download this.
You must be very skilled at mongoose driving to be able to stay on the track. But i do see where ur going with this and i like the idea of an...
i definitely like the idea of the map, but ya. Merging does make a map a whole lot better. And this isnt enough like firefight to be called...
Very creative. Make sure u post the minigame map featuring this cuz i will want to try it out.
i got it now. i posted a pic at the top but it is still tiny
h ohh. the website showed it in <.
i did embed it. but i think somethin went wrong.and how is the picture not working?
SAND FLOAT Sand Float is set in the skybox area of Sandbox. It is a slightly small level only fitting about 3-7 players. The best and most...
im so tired of regular ice cream man maps. they need to do a new one where the road is slightly uphill ,downhill or bumpy. My friends have a bunch...
The map may need a little bit more work like making the ends of the bridges more smooth but other than that it is a great map and plays well with...
Oh. Sorry. I didnt think that was mandatory. all u have to do is click.
good try. better than i could probably do but i have seen a dozen scarab's just as good as that.
Here is a picture:Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
BRIDGES Bridges is a map with two small bases that have a bunch of bridges connected to them and a other places in the map. The map is set in the...