Director swash983 Editor Professor Pool Description The story is about 8 teams of 6 (A total of 48) have just received a virtual reality helmet...
The game in my file share makes you start with railguns. You are unable to shoot or kill anybody else across the map unless they are in the...
I was in the lobby, but was never able to ever test this. I'll give it a try and I'm definitely going to play it in my custom game lobbies ;)
[IMG] Welcome to my new map: Where's The Water![IMG] --------------------------------------------------------------- Let's Start out with an...
I too have been having problems with this, unfortunatly, I ended up just putting in the guns on spawn.
It is so when You are regularly editing, you dont automatically snap to theclosest magnet. I would agree, somewhat useless, but whatever.
It must just be baecause LS is sprint.
In Halo Reach, you used to be able to press down the Left Stick, and it would move the piecese slower. It doesn't work however in Halo 4 :(
Sorry to say, but somone arleady made a Wack-A-Mole Map. Also this should be in the mini game section :)
Not meaning to bump this, but I fixed the map and gametype download since I was getting messages on XBOX. Enjoy!
I finished this in 7 minutes, not very difficult, as you said in the description, but as shikarix said before, it is cool how you built it into...
Thanks, The only problem is that there's no money left in the budget, I would agree about adding another ramp to the area by the jellyfish, but I...
Thanks! When you play this with a group, could you tell me if I need to add another set of stairs to get back up (by the Jellyfish)?
That's what I meant by longer, that you had to do the main quest. [spoiler]
Oh, sorry about that
How to Gain Money Fast in Skyrim There are three ways I have so far found that can get you money quickly in Skyrim. There is a fast, semi-fast,...
An underwater version of Hockey named Waterball.
I thought that they were debating his age? They didn't know what age he was exactly, but they did know he was 69 or 70.
The recommended amount of player is 14. This gives the perfect amount of visibility of players from the top, to the bottom. I also have not...
+ The help of Google translate- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi all, a new mini-game for...