i have had a couple games on here so far, Team snipers, Team Swat and a game of CTF and it played so well i was impressed. no one had a single...
i'll give it a look and how see how it looks :D thanks for the positive feedback dude.
thanks redneck didnt realise that.
agreed, made a few minor updates to the map including longer spawns on the vehicles so they dont dominate gameplay
thank you very much. i was never a big forger in halo 3, in fact i never made a single map so keep that in mind however i do think that i will be...
[IMG] Hey guys and welcome to my very first map post here on forgehub. This map was made by myself and my friend Heerz, most of the technical...
these were actually really fun, i was a little skeptical at first after a few bumps made me fall as wwwilliam pointed out but the fact remains...
hey guys, i haven't posted an introduction yet so i felt the need to. My names Johnathan I'm 19 and I've been lurking around the site for a few...
octagon or BR pit you will find those on Bungie.net : Developers of Really Cool Stuff just type them into the search bar.
hey guys a few weeks ago i had a thread asking for advice in Halo 3 where a few of you reviewed my gameplay and helped me out so far i have...
holy **** how sweet does that Cog armour look in the new unreal engine? carmine looks bad ass, i say let him save marcus from dying and sacrifice...
ive done After effects intros but not so much 3D work but i know alot of guys who do. look up krayes designs on youtube or I rockstarr x i think...
hi, the link to the map is no longer working.
today i have noticed that almost all my team doubles games ive been paired with 8 year old squeaky kids who either stand at spawn n dont move the...
thanks loscocco il definatley try those right away :D i also got told to buy a new xbox controller as mine is 8 month old and after a while...
my BR's pretty solid now, I've got the aiming slightly in-front when they're strafing tip down i can long range snipe well enough, its just when...
hi guys im looking for some people just to give me an invite occasionally to play halo 3 to help me get better cause im a noob at this game so...
cool sun 7/10 mines pretty crap tbh but meh, [IMG] [IMG]
i played the reach beta for a good few hours and i found the magnum to suit my aim etc so when i finally came to halo 3 i expected it to be the...