I guess this isn't really an idea, cause I'm already working on it. But it is called Predator on Dusk City. Basically, humans move out of the base...
Theme for what? Oh, and on topic guys.
Maybe you could hold it for about 3-5 seconds, then have double the time you sprayed for a cooldown. Ex. 3 sec=6 sec cooldown 5 sec=10 sec...
Hopefully it will shoot lasers out of it's eye to defend itself. Seriously.
Haha, that cracked me up.
Yeah, sure. I just finished a small slayer/CTF map meant for a max of 4 players. Not big, but it should be pretty smooth and I did a lot merging....
Isn't a laser useless on a map with no vehicles? I think you should transfer the rocket to the carpet and put a sniper up top instead. As for the...
Me too. I wasn't planning to join until I saw that.
That is really smart. It's so simple nobody has ever thought of it. Genius!
Really? Wow, that is really smart. Yeah, the minefield is the best part in my opinion. Do you want to get together (no ****) and play sometime?
I think the scene from Red Faction: Guerrilla where he's in a massive pipeline. It would be very vertical based and meant for Slayer and CtF. You...
I really like how you built it in the side of a hill. It gives it that rich person kind of feel.
Wow. I think I just came a little becuase of it's beautiful...ness. It looks smooth and you can actually go inside. But it looks kind of clunky...
Wow, that looks really challenging! But it IS a puzzle map, so it's supposed to be. The forging is spectacular, the merging is flawless, and the...
Hey, welcome to forge hub, home of the world's most skillful mapmakers. I'm Fatality, please enjoy your stay. *Ding-dong*
Thanks, glad to be here.
That's a good idea. I also put in upturned vehicles, light effects, pallets, and tipped radio antennas to make it aesthetically pleasing.
The first armory has 2 BR's, 1 shotgun, and one sniper. Shotgun and sniper has no spare clips, which means 6 shots for the SG and 4 shots with the...
Hmmm, I'll have to think this through. I'll make the powerups last for 30 seconds only, so if you stray too far from the powerups, you turn into...
Okay. Here's the summary of what you're supposed to do. Basically, you and your squad of ODST's (friends) were sent to investigate an...