90% certain I'm supposed to be launched immediately off the launcher, regardless of where I jump onto it. That said jumping at the launching part...
Just read about the br starts, so I need Outcast with BTB and Cedar Plaza with slayer
Gt: REX JOURNEY Map: Cedar Plaza Gametype: BTB Slayer Preferably max players I did some tweaks to the spawns and did some acsthetic work, so...
Lol, there's no super bounce. On a serious note, the top mid seems the most exposed on the back side in the area of the lift.
Rex Journey submitted a new map: Rex Journey - Sector 4's seaside district is notorious for its spectacular view at sunset. This is a map...
This is a map designed off the layout of Halo 3: ODST's firefight map Windward. As it is not a one for one remake, I decide to modify some areas...
Might want to try something with mud, wetwork sounds like a waterworks remake
Gt= Rex Journey Map= Seaside Any gametypes 6v6-8v8
Spawn bug's -spawn volume's weight is stuck at -16 to -15.88 -spawning on a point that has a running start, then going into monitor form, you will...
Alright so normally I just forge maps with only a general theme. With that said because I didn't have forge available to me I decided to sketch...
It is most likely something with lighting, in a darker area red looks more like a cherry color, as long as the team on the object is the one you...
Will the selective lighting bug (when objects appear entirely dark for no reason) affect our performance score?
This is some video off the move offsets scripting option from left to right the speeds are: .1 .5 1.0 2.0...
There needs to be a fix for an object's selective probe lighting, I hate getting objects that appear entirely black because of that, even when...
Cooldown on switches
Bug with lighting: At around 75% of the light map used some objects were shaded entirely black, they still cast shadows. The objects dulicated...
Grouping/welding: As stated before reentering a forge session with groups/welded groups will normally not be grouped/welded, if they are still...
Ran into a bug with welding, after exiting forge with a map saved with the welded groups in it then reentering, the objects won't register as...
yea i know about the spawns but it spreads through the map after usually 1-2 min in the game and by lost and found benches i ment that weapons can...
Hydro Station This station needs to be protected from all hostiles even civillians from the nearby park may be rebels. 5-16 players This...