We ended up using a modded gametype to create our own map design and had an awesome time. If you guys want the download I will absolutely post it!...
Hopefully this is in the right category, I thought there was a video category last time I was here? I mainly do trolling and a popular phrase...
HALO 4: TROLLING - MOUTH BREATHERS + LIVE RECORDING!!! - YouTube There is a new one I did that seemed to be worth posting due to the responses it...
Hey guys, I was just stopping in to see what you guys thought of some of my trolling that I do on Halo. Is he serious!?!?- HALO 4: TROLLING- IS...
I really don't mind MLG at all. I consider myself a "Gamer" but I have fun with it. The people that give MLG a bad name are the kids screaming...
I bet the bike is gonna look like this YouTube - Halo 3 / Reach Mods: Motorcycle Maddness‎ I mean, just a guess
Yea man, sorry if what he said isn't true. Just thought I'd share any info I have!
I was JUST searching for info on that and this is what I found from a youtube search which linked me to a guys twitter. Chris Ray Maldonado...
yea man, but I never use it. How bout AIM?
That would be awesome, just for forge. The ultimate dday map. Another thing- how big is a one way door? What if you used 1 way doors and put them...
Ah, I see! THanks for the fast response too man!
Sorry to sound dumb, but what is conquest? The same concept of conquest like in BF BC 2?
Yea I saw that, but I couldn't get a good look at the picture. Thanks for the help too guys! As for another forge world, I know its thinking ahead...
We could make the Ultimate tower of power map. Yes, Tower Of Power. Probably been said before but damn it would be awesome.
Not sure if they have told us or not yet, but will any campaign/multiplayer maps have snow in them? Jw. Cause so far it looks all grass
Whats the first thing you guys are gonna do on it? For me, Forge. Duh. The campaign just doesn't look that appealing. But hey, I never liked...
Yea man!!! My GT is Fat4l 3rror And checkout my youtube if your bored. Maybe we'd make machinima too YouTube - Tommy92L's Channel
Def. I'm going to the midnight launch and cutting school the next day. This is my first midnight launch, I'm 18 and only got my license in...
Drizzt, both of your ideas have wowed me. The killball one would be awesome! I hope someone has a semi-remake of yoyorast island
An air defense map would be cool too. Someone on this site mentioned an aircraft carrier. I'd have the spartans attacking the elites on the...