normally, i would just edit my previous thread, but for some reason, my browser will not open it! it will open every other thread, except for...
this is a background for my ps3. i made using paintDOTnet, many screenshots of videos where used. (thankyou gametrailers) i hope you like it [IMG]
At a quick glance this map looks amazing; great attention to detail and nicely interlocked. but once you look at it for a bit, you realize that it...
pics? you need to fix you pictures. load them from imageshack ro photobucket, not your C:\Documents and Settings\James\My Documents\My Pictures\
many people are going to say that this map looks borring, does not have enough interlocking, and looks messy. i dissagree, partially. i think that...
i looked at pics on the only advice i would give is to interlock the floor so there are no gaps. and to make everything look at...
I think you are missing the point, since when is a map that is not fully interlocked sloppy, I dont think that someone should have to find ways to...
Read this first This is about how important interlocking is. Will you look at a map and if it is not fully interlocked will you just completely...
I used interlocking, but only where i found it necessary. I don't think a map needs to be fully interlocked in order to be good.
OK, this is the first map i ever made on foundry. It took me about 10-11 days to complete, and another hour to tweek. It has not been budget...
I am having a bit of a problem. on the posting rules sticky in the community maps forum it says that a sig can be no larger that 500 x 200. Here...
this post does not meet the forge hub standards (can't see pics) go here
yes, most people use photobucket. go here for help
This map looks very nice, well interlocked and merged. Based on the pics, it does not look like there is very much cover to hide from attacks;...
not sure if it's completly original. but i think it looks great. i'm sure it would host some great gameplay.
finally someone comes out with a door. nice
lacks coulour, and.... oh right, no pics
i like it. it's hard to make maps like this in foundry forge (the idea, not product). great job of interlocking and merging. this looks like it...
i love your maps, i really like how you actualy used the symetric/asymetric thing. amazing job once again.
it looks sloppy, weapon ddoes not look stratigic, i like the overall idea alot though