Yep... :/
Yeah, I set all of them then clicked 'OK'. The menu still wont go away ...
When playing Morrowind, I went to open up my inventory, but the quick-keys menu popped up, saying I had to set 9 items/magical **** to my...
Woah. I posted something taking time and date from the post above me. Vantier, this was posted in June. How far did you dig?
Guten...Tag? Is that it? Forging 101 will help you out greatly with your forging! Lots of nifty tips and tricks to be read within the Ancient...
I thought the dart was real! :o
Maybe feature Miner Dig Deep or I Made A Game With Zombies? Those are pretty fun to mess about on :)
Nah, I already am :/
I've used the search function on the forums already. Where could I find a Foundry canvassed map with the two base sides walled off? Walled off...
On the topic of having to test 1 map p/week, what would the circumstances be if you were banned...for 2 weeks?
Are you sure? Mines grows a good bit when it comes up 'Achievement Unlocked'...o.O Just me?
Halo 3, Gears 2, Oblivion, CoD:WaW then about 8 others are equalled at 1000 (: (Completionist, huh?)
This is for guys who are still stuck with the demo due to financial difficulties. :P Some kid on YouTube found an unlimited time glitch. Play...
Hmm, the IRC wont even load through Safari. Damn.
I just tested out FF4, Chrome AND Safari, and found that Safari opened up pages quicker on mine? I'm using Windows and it's surprisingly fast...
My idea is that the armories should be the exact same throughout. I can see because of humans becoming zombies that you'll need to get a bit more...
Woah man. Be careful with armories. Armories CAN be OK SOMETIMES, when used in the right circumstances. Don't overwhelm them by going 'N DIS IS...
What Death and Haris said are completely true. MAYBE it has a fun element to YOU, but to other people, it doesn't. That's life. People like...
I'm not sure I follow. What would be the real reason for the power-up if you can kill the zombies from the start? It causes Insta-Kill, I can see...
Woah, calm down. Make your first map count. Set your name in the stone. When your internet gets back up, get the map straight into the Testers...