either smelly socks or tomato head or mighty tomato
I dont think ur spoiler wrked
cant get it right
ok?? but now you can see at anytime that you have your computer not having to go find you and its not exact
i know i messed up but i cant remove it
.::.:: // 09|14|10 // Halo Reach \\ ::.::.
I cant get to link pls help or update the link pls.
wait are these usable? and are these just icons that you could find if not i think you forgot the revenant [or revanant not sure] because it...
but the game hasnt came out yet bungie could have easily stopped them from phasing to save some for us. Easily cut it off. maybe not too easily...
It would be cool if i could have a desert city [forge built] with a sand storm and "sand monsters" with poor camo attacking you.
did you say you cry or was that sarcasm? and i totally agree with you [exept for the crying part] i made a bunch of merges but i found that ghost...
I dont think there going to be any because like Pennywiez said there alreadyy pushing the limits really far and and bad company took away som very...
welll i have a football kind of idea where theres evade as a loadout and have a bomb [maybe if not something else] as the football and when you...
dont you have a bungie.net account? if not Blame Stosh [and by the way all i know they have is grunt birthday party, lightning cloud and gas cloud]
I dont get why you put new mombassa sucks why not just yes it would be cool or no it wouldnt
Im going for lightning effect then master chiefs armor
yes i agree it shouldn't be ranked because some people would be all like ''leave me behind i want to die'' [no offense to who people who do that]...
well what i meant was a certain place because in rumble pit it wasnt always infection