Thanks! I'm gonna join those parties
Well, when it's like 6 in the US, it's 12 here in Sweden, and I'm also bound by school and stuff, that's why it's so hard.
I love forging, but i can't test my maps, as I'm a swede and not many of my friens play reach. So my question for all of you non-americans how you...
I want a forging map pack with one snowy covenant world, and one sandy human world. A terrain editor would outmatch all forgeworlds, IMO.
Well, what do you want?
Ah, yes, the grey pieces of forge does indeed get boring, and i want it to change, like nearl all of us on FH. A full map-maker would be awsome,...
I suuport this completely. I want a scary as hell firefight game with my pals!
Sorry, i was a bit tired when i found this thread. OT: Infinity, Death island, Containment, Terminal, Uplift (invasion)
I really like that you built the map in such a rare area, and that you integrated so much natural pieces. However, some rocks look a bit strange...
Looks cool, and with an interesting idea, but can you get the revenants out of there?
How is it going? Are the ideas working, and did you solve it?
Team Infection, or something like that. 2 human teams of 4, 8 zombies. Get as many points as possible for your team without getting dying. If you...
I've seen it before, but how did you do it?
But a needler shotgun would engulf your opponent in purple clouds! I agree that the covenant do have several CQC weapons, so one more is not...
You captured the covenant feel to it really good, and i really love what you did with the covenant barricades lying down. Consider merging them...
Yeah, i don't understand how you have an eagerness to forge a particular kind of map, i just get inspiration and forge, and quit when i'm bored....
I think we need a good thread/part of forum that explains what is needed to get some attention and a few tips.
The ship looks really good, but please add more pictures so we can judge it better. A weapon,a class and a vehicle list wouldn't hurt either....
Valhalla. It's a greatmap, perfect for both infantry and vehicles, unlike Hemmorhage.
Nice map! A bit grey, but it doesn't matter too much as you use the structures in interesting ways,just a tip :)