Hey big admin dude, go check your private messages. Don't trip on the ****ty website when you get to the inbox. Thanks.
[IMG] My goodbye gift from me to you.
<3 fllr.
Well im leaving. I dont attend on coming back till Halo 4. Not because of the group. Other reasons :P
lol you joined the last Pharmacy Counter like a year ago.
ha sarge deleted my group
The old one lasted a month or so. The new one was just deleted now lol.
I would love to be in that mug... Anyway Minolta, welcome to our home. I am Mocha, Halo 4 is coming pretty soon so the maps and forge are...
Pharmacy Counter is back in buissnessieo.
You've changed me.
Best Cry Ever - YouTube
LOL fllr.
I want you. Badly. Edit: If we get 50 members, you must give us what we want.
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/groups/pharmacy-counter.html mm'hhm
---------- perhaps this will unrustle my jimmies ---------- ---------- this will unrustle my jimmies ---------- ---------- unrustle my jimmies...
He died fighting evil. EVIL! - YouTube amen
Awww. Im going to miss Jeremy Clarkson narrating everything. I hope the Autovista is going to be back.
So you getting on?