As DT Kaos said, it brings back and incredible feel of Combat Evolved, and thats why I downloaded it. The constant grays of forges these days, and...
Unfortunately, even though the maps has a nice structural design, there are a few flaws I would like to point out. Red and Blue spawns are way...
I do love the structural accuracy you have going, the only problem I had playing it is in Halo Reach, you actually can't jump as high, so to get...
I believe you should have spent less time forging the "Evil Pumpkin" and more time forging the overall map. The map design is sloppy, and though...
Of course if you think of it, do the Zombies really need a good spawn, I thought it was creative t make a mini-map, and the Shack? I'm pretty sure...
Although I do enjoy your map I don't think the weapons were chosen well. Due to the nature of the Wraith, Gauss-Hog, and let's not forget the...
The only things I can see wrong are the crane and the visitor center. The crane looks like a complete rip-off of gully, and the visitor center...
I love you parts usage. The map flows smoothly and the storyline is great, definitely a download.
I do like the Idea, and the location and Aesthetics are well placed, but the forging could be smoother and in some places it was just crowded.
And someone should take their pills before that start PMSing
It's what's inside that matters... Personally, I would have to agree, but recently I realized that that doesn't matter, what matters is how...
"This is probably the best Orbital remake I've ever seen. It's practically a copy of the original, that's how accurate it is. The aesthetics are...
Athough this is a nice map per say, I see just slight issues in the creation, the main one being spawning. Say you put down one initial spawn->...
Do you want to set up a match tomorrow or ever the weekend? My GT is psquiddy01, and I have been wanting to play on some of your maps for a while....
Working....Working... -Download Incomplete- Well, so far I'm impressed. The overall map design seems to promote easy flow and even easier...
Funny how you critique people on their maps problems like teleporters and originality when your infection map's gameplay almost never works.........
Although I do like your idea of the map, there are some problems. Your weapon choices are way to spaced out, you should keep it simple, for a CQC...
Starting off, I love the map, but there are some major problems. 1. Location location location: Your rockets are right above the energy sword?...
I have to go with Security above me, your map doesn't seem to have a purpose. I can understand your trial, but when it comes to aesthetics and...
As always, your first map will have some issues. You seemed to have fun with this one, and I commend you for it, but I suggest that you re-think...