I got it and your welcome to wheneva you want
Chat it up on fb then, its easier :)<3
Ok i got it but I deleted the message cause I can be your only stalker
Since its being uncool, give me yours and Ill send you a FR
Either my computer is being stupid, FB is being soo slow, or you sent it to wrong person.
No did you send it to the right person?
okey dokey boss lawlz
I dont got it :(
Well Im ready then. Right now, lets go. Come on, Im ready to press accept. Ready when you are.
And now I am scared again D:
Well Im ready to test and get raged on whenever you are! I did get a little scared when you told me to just leave the game cause you were getting...
I like the map, as it seems like you took a great amount of time to make. I will Dl and try it out with a couple friends. As for the good parts I...
I love the design though! So neat and smooth, excellent aesthetics and balance. Whatever you gotta do babe
Oh and btw you need to finish the gorgeous map your making so you can get features and stuffz :P
Still love meh even if I use tactics unheard of in 1v1s<3
Get back online!
Wow all I can say is this map is fantastic. I remember playing on it and getting destroyed while playing you and Equinox in 2v2, cant remember my...
Bioshock by Marcass2021
You just have to put your timezone and stuff I dont know when we sign up
The initial feeling I got when I played this map, was not to win but to stare at the beautiful aesthetics on the map. During games I probably...