Has there been any Battlefront 2 style space-battle maps above Sandbox yet? Post them here.
The gameplay's doing nothing for me. I'd say 3/5 (on the high side towards a 4). Map looks great, but if I want a competitive map, I want it to...
First good MLG map I have seen in about a month or so! Nice job, 5/5
MLG version PLEASE?
Does anyone have this file on their 360 so they can put it in their fileshare and send it to me?
Is there anyway I could get the map still?
I saw a map called Lucid Dream, in the to catch a forge thief video. Does anyone know where i can find the map? I dont recall seeing it here on...
Where can I find that Lucid Dream map?
Weeeeee for originality!
When you release the MLG version, may you please make a new topic titled MLG Sapphire? So I don't have to keep checking here :P BTW: downloaded...
Will download when the MLG version is released, map looks nice tho
Oh, is this the map you were discussing in the forgehub chatterbox this weekend? Looks great, I'm downloading!
Holy Balls! This looks sweet. (Or 'dank' if you will) MLG 4 life.
I HATED that map in cs, it was just a huge gimmick with no gameplay attached
Wait, now what is this again?
Noice...love MLG maps, make more please...
Looks great, love the H design, it's kind of looks like a ENJOYBLE version of Narrows or something.....I despise Narrows -_-.....but this looks good
lOOKs fANDTASTIc, cANt wAIt to pLAy it
Actually looks pretty cool