A very nice map i love it i think it looks better then the orignal havnt played it yet but im shure it will play better than the original because...
i just havnt found the time to get new pictures and all that but i should have the new map and gametype up soon =)
Amazing Asthetics unfortunately nobody is on atm so i cant try out the gameplay but amazing map
in your sig u said ur looking for a machima team il be happy to join =) my xbl is noobhedz
yea i cleaned it up a lil made the road longer and basicly made it better ima rename it and repost a v2 its a lot better
hey man i just got an idea on how to clena up the box tell me what u think about it so this is what i was thinking i would make a respawn box on...
thx lol i think ima name it making it rain =)
yea im workin on it and nok ima make ur box thingi next then ima work on v2 of camp,run,kill i think ima call it sumtin diff but idk what but thx...
Ok i get it now and i know my forging needs work its not the prettiest but it still does its job for example the zombie box. it looks terible but...
oh and btw can u tell me what i should rename the map lol i couldnt think of a name
yep i posted it every1 thinks it fails elaborate on your wall slit thingi or wutever i didnt quite get that and what did you think of the map
btw what do you suggest i rename my map lol i drew a blank there
Thanks so much lol its my first map and i honestly didnt know if it was good enough lol but the reason the zombie box is so sloppy is because i...
This map is a minigame that i saw a vid of on somebody's fileshare. I couldnt help thinking how much fun it would be if i had that map so i made...