the rock tunnel looks effin sexy if you ask me. other than that this map seems really unique and smooth. with the exception of the glass trail...
ill cut you a little slack because i posted my first map three times accidently :P but as for the actual map i see you used a lot of prefab...
the center section reminds me of vanilla by gunnergrunt. whic is great because that is my all time favorite small slayer map and all time...
I jizzed myself a little bit when i saw the first picture. ten alot when i saw the rest of them. love the staircase in the courtyard and love the...
THIS IS AMAZING. its like a visual orgasm all over the place. its beautiful. but do the one way shield doors make you bounce because they can do...
The plural of mongoose is obviously mongi. on the map i agree with the above. the bases are kick ass but the center hill is absent. and frankly...
JIZZ IN MY PANTS. i think nothing else needs to be said. got an FFA in on this map and the one complaint i have is that the tunnel in the 5th...
my jaw literally hit the deck when i saw this. the sheer beauty of it is magnificent. grats for making the best ship ive seen out of anyone
looks awesome. its simple clean and strait forward. my suggestion would be to take the time to take the roof off and extend the walls up so to...
I pissed myself when i saw this. the waterfall is epic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i just jizzed in my pants. lonely island ftw
Im seriously liking this map. It is big and open, but not crowded. It is aesthetic, but its gameplay was not left behind in anyway. it has the...
well zanzibar is a semi autonomus part of Tanzania. so call it Tanzania. On to the map. Ive seen a couple remakes but this is without a doubt the...
ok, then let me elaborate on my ratings enjoyment 4/10 I did not enjoy this map at all with doubles. except for swat. it felt like this map was...
one thing i don't like about this map is the lack of elevation. this map plays very boringly. yes i did play it i got a doubles in. also the...
about half of your pix arent working. but from what i can see it looks solid. not beautiful but that wasnt what you were going for.
You seriously need a "danse floor" also design an eye catching peice to differentiate your map from others
looks beeeeeest. also there are no BRS or Brute Shots, unless ur replacing them w/ the DMR and the concussion rifle. also the Pistol is so ninja...
this is a rare gem of a map. an asymetric BTB map taht is actualy good. also the theme is pretty good. except for the massive towers. + how do you...
im hoping they giev us a complete wepons list with damage ratios and what the weapon does best against, situational run downs, and all that stuff....
no the plasma launcher has a timer from when you hit shoot. so if you hold RT down to charge it the grenades will explode much faster then if you...