Use adobe after effects. It's more complicated than Vegas (and more expensive), but the effects on after effects is amazing! BTW, the vid for the...
There's a map in the file browser that i find was double glitched, hence the map's name. It had 2x the colusium walls (sorry if I mispelled)....
Halo CE: Halo (2nd mission and fun search and defend objectives) Halo 2: Metropolis (Scrab Gun!!1!) Halo 3: The Ark (Pretty balanced with combat)...
Search in the File browser in Halo Reach. I found this map that had 100 (limit 50) coliseum walls. No lies, I tagged it as "legit no lies". The...
You've got my DL. I love the twisted architecture on the ending part.
Ingenious idea. I remember seeing this in H:R Discussion. I love on how the rings are smooth. Although it needs railings just to prevent from...
I play around 5-7, depending if I'm in matchmaking and if there are noobs running around with sprint and FOR GOD'S SAKE, if they're going to do...
Daang! I remembered the original post for this map. You improved your spartan mart map really well. Not only it has a lot of detail, but it...
Nice. The bridge idea reminded me of Narrows in Halo 3. For a start on the map, it was meh... ok. Don't let your hopes down though, the idea is...
I've seen someone use the fuse tech before in Reach. It was used in a cannon. The several man cannons make the long part of the cannon to make it...
Pilot helmet. Period.
Newgrounds' animations are FTW!!!
what is this i don't even... I keed. I kno this glitch, but i dun see what is the purpose of the vid. You could've added some moar glitches.
Dang, Bungie sure put a lot of easter eggs in Reach relating to God/religion. I dunno about what it means or what it leads to. Or then again, it...
I've done this glitch before, where the reticule bloom of the PR grew and restarted to grow. The overheat was the limit for the PR without...
Is it true that bungie did not put another skill cap? If they did...
The escape walkway is a pretty original idea. So far, I've never seen one in an aesthetic frigate map. But the only flaw I'd say is the no respawn...
Hello ResilientMonkey, I see u are new in Forgehub. I am hoping in seeing your maps! I, to, am a closet forger, but I barely post them here in...
This map is pure awesome. The blocks and merging are very precise. I like the verticality of the map. And I basically like it overall. Bravo. Be...
It would be awesome if they made a map actually starting from scratch (By that, I mean adding the terrain!)