this game is going to be S!ck...
I love the 1st and 5th one, great job on The Gorillaz sigs.
yeah, On Comic Con Bungie was showing off the Kat Spartan outfit and they said this is the outfit they'll be using in the New Live action trailer....
wow dude this is Sick!! incredible drawing
My Goals were to get all the Halo 3 and ODST Achievements and I completed this goal. Bungie said for certain achievements in halo 3 and ODST will...
the pictures are broken for me... :( I can only see the last 3 on zealot, can someone re-post them or something?
I only teabag if its my friends and no enemy is around, I also teabag if someone teabags me I'll kill that Spartan then teabag him. I can't wait...
why would you wanna re-make Foundry when theres a map in Forge World that looks just like it. Watch this video, its bungie at comic con showing...
-No, you can not create your own firefight map -IDk, but they said you can set the game up so only they have certain guns and spawn certain ways,...
yeah I beleive bungie posted something about this saying you can only choose a class of an elite that you wanna be, no customization at all. But...
OMG!!! Reach Forge will be Amazeing!!! I can NOT wait!!!
I downloaded this to try it out and my computer is so sh!tty it wouldn't run it... :( I will have to get a new computer.
Yea, this game is going to be incredible! I can't wait to try out Forge!
I'm getting Legendary cause of the extra game content, and I just want the Legendary cause its suppose to be the last Halo for awhile.
This is a Great map for slayer, good job.