yeah, I agree with Plasma Blades. Having a hotel and a main road/Coffee shop would really strain your resources, so unless you plan it out then...
is there a way to hide teleporters? in my new map I want to have it so walking through a door(a wall with a door frame jutting out) teleports you...
sorry, but WHAT? you do realise you can only get 60 credits unless you play matchmaking/campaign? so this is BS
I did say I wasn't serious about it, I only posted it because magashi asked me to :P and Haris, did you even read the quote? He got plastic...
by that I actualy mean getting them from Halo. I notice the quality of them is quite bad. I dunno whether you took pictures or something, but you...
First of all I would like to say I am not serious about this. It was a joke I thought of, then I realised it might be true and told...
could the screenshots possibly be made bigger, or link to bigger versions?
Added Diary of work and added banner + thumbnail. Will finish after school =) also, I am looking to test this map on CTF/one bomb, anyone up for...
Check the rules before posting here. You need screenshots AT LEAST! add some screenshots and you might have my download.
[IMG] First of all, I would like to say this map is completely open for debate. I have tested it and got a few different views. I may decide to...
this thread is awesome and totaly deserves a bump =) just think, you could give way to a whole new definition of map. Or a generation. Or...
the problem with big maps is they are hard to make IMO, as they can get out of hand. Anyways, me and stick decided Rockets in the teleporter...
I will help test, any idea when you will test? Gt: Rantick
well I would be greatful if you did, but I am in my dads right now and his connection sucks because of the router(bad for xbox) but I am going...
Well I started making this map, wanting to have a pretty constant line of sight through out the map. I ran through and the only place with too...
ah, thanks. I always thought basic editing was the forge gametype, and everything else was just random stuff bungie had thrown in. Never really...
yeah, I placed one next to the spawn point just to test it, but it still didn't work. another thing that confuses me is the spawns. How do you...
I am currently making a racetrack(or like 5) but I was wondering, how come every time I try to play it the map is "not compatible with this...
It looks fun but you need some closer up pics, and possibly a video?
well I wont see it as work, at least not straight away =) I enjoyed halo 3, but when it first came out my friends all played it for like 3-4...