I've played this through a few times now. All that seems to be missing are swordfish in the water (I really like swordfish). Everything else is...
thanks rolfero. i just deleted two grenade launchers, fixed the wall, the sandbags and a few weapon placements. snipers reduced to one spare clip...
hey there. i like the symmetry and i like the sniper and shotty spawns. the one thing i'd recommend would be a walkway woutside on the second...
thank you
I just posted a map. A damn good map if you ask me. I just made a topic post about thumbnail help. They're both just falling off the pages....
not working for me entering url thing from the bottom on imageshack where it says thumbnail / forum ?????
Meissner Effect Since the early 24th century, many elaborate tests have failed to explain what exactly keeps this floating mountain in place....
the kill ball is there to avoid. if you go over the center, yes you will die, but you can easily avoid it by going to the side.
IMPERIAL I.P.A. Hello again. Racetrack here. No, I'm not drunk. The object of racetrack is to race along it in a 4-wheeler. If you finish...
thx, not only a ramp, but a racetrack complete with starting gate and starting gates. updated photos: [IMG] Uploaded with ImageShack.us [IMG]...
working on this right now. could use some Expert help, for opinion and advice. going out now will be back on tomorrow [IMG]
nope, it is pretty much uncheatable. you fall out, you are out of the hill, and the other guy is, hence the uncontested point. it even has...
then you lose and the other guy gets the point. the whole idea is to stay on. it's the entire premise of the game.
ICE vs NITRO Is it fair to pit a man against a woman in joust? Well, when that woman (Ice) just might as well be a man, then who the hell...
i have played this map and believe me when i tell you that these screen shots don't give it justice. this map is multileveled and quite...
just by looking at this i could tell you I'd have no problem getting out of the map even WITHOUT a grenade jump. It is very breakable. With your...
I'm going to have to give this one a try. From the photos I can't really get an idea of the symmetry, evenness and fairness or lackthereof, but I...
thanks for the good words guys. the lap record for this is 1m 3sec if you beat this and send me the video I will post it in my file share as...
nm, dl 4 me ty