[IMG] Click to Download! My newest map is a map on Reach with some features that just couldn't be done in Halo 3. Though this is just the...
I like timed scenery events, sounds cool. Kinda like crypt of doom? It would take some figuring out, but it could create something cool. To make...
Hmm. I see what you mean now. It would be hard to get a consistent launch of the object, and the respawn would be set to never? It may just...
You can't destroy blocks, so I have no idea what you're talking about. The HC version of this tracks has Fusion Coils falling from the sky. I...
Multiple pathways would turn into one pathway. You always know which way is fastest, it has been done before, and it takes a serious hit on...
What I am trying to figure out is what you guys want in a racetrack. So smooth and consistent obviously isn't what is wanted anymore. Jumps are...
Haha the top of that comment was funny. And I was going for a crazy track, that was the most creative thing ever. I enjoy just racing the track...
Where are you getting stuck? The top of the map occasionally gets you stuck if you drive in to the elevator at a bad angle. And that I cannot fix....
Glad you guys like it. Forging a racetrack on Ghost Town is really tough. It was a lot of ghostmerging, and a lot of redoing track. The track is...
Thanks a lot for the comments, and I'm glad you liked it. I ran out of money for the track, so I can't add anything else :/ I should have money...
Invis Download: Invis SO. I finally finished the first ever stunt track on Ghost Town! This is a short but sweet ghost town track that...
Great map! I see you went to play some lasers on it, sounds pretty crazy. I like what you did with that annoying crane, the vent idea was really cool.
Here is the game variant RACETRACKS
Here is your Guide to Goosebattle
Do you know how to do it just through Bungie. Like on Spectac's map Alacrity Range?
Hey do you guys know how to embed a rendered vid in here
[IMG] SB TERRAIN CONTEST: 1st PLACE Download: Brosands This is my very first terrain track, well at least it's mostly terrain. The...
[img] Laser Light DOWNLOAD: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Laser Light is a fairly new course of mine that was born to be a Battle...
La Bandera Download: La Bandera Download (goosebattle): GB La Bandera My newest course, La Bandera, is a hybrid between skytrack, and...