Nice looking map! I have to DL and check it out, I'm wondering, How do the stairs work? Can you walk up them? I guess I'll find out :) Oh and ill...
The scale is a little off but this was one of my favorites from Halo 3, Keep forging man I think you got the skill to produce some decent maps.
Looks promising, I wonder about screen resolution, That usually kills these pit remakes.
I got a little backstory to this request, I don't have an Xbox. I haven't for a while because the disk drive went and I had no money to get a new...
The name suits the map. Awesome.I was waiting for someone to bring it back to the classic standoff I loved so much in Halo 3, I hope future maps...
I have the same problem mainly because I am a perfectionist, I want everything to be perfect and its difficult because lets face it were not...
Aww B3NW you do care! Sorry to seem a bit brown =) I was just saying that stuff like this is what helps to strengthen the community, I learn...
Amalgam all the way! If you haven't played it go do so, It brings back fuzzy memories of guardian games =)
The updated version of this can be found in my fileshare with the original link at the top. Thanks for playing! Edited by merge: I used red and...
I nominate Amalgam By Secret Schnitzel Heresy By Nyte Ironyte By oo iRoNy oo
Hey just got done playing some FFA matches on this and I was overjoyed with how this played! I especially like the Sniper tower, My suggestion is...
Unlike this guy ^^ I like this thread and I like the tips, and I like you cuz your an optimist. He ^^ Is a pessimist and people with his...
I nominate Amalgam by SecretSchnitzel, If you haven't played it, it's a must download!
We all know the best map won't win.(Perserverance). This so called contest is for the "in" crowd to boast their maps on the front page. I don't...
Ya most definitely, we have a whole testing group. Btw I love to smoke da blunts myself! I warn you Tommy is a douche though lololol.
This looks really good I can't download right now but I will ASAP. If you wan't to run customs or test this out send a message to my buddy Secret...
Ill take map 2 where can I download it?
This is pretty sick looking, I want to get a couple of games on this! Ill comment back after! Edit: I played 4v4 slayer and had the most fun...
You should review the forum rules on posting maps, here's a link Forge Hub - Forum Rules Follow these rules whenever posting.
IMO Relying on zones to make calculations in game makes the game slower, more unpredictable, and more confusing to the players. No matter what you...