Today is Monday, which sucks, but it's the last week of school so it's not that bad. I also gotta finish two reports... This thread is probably...
I got rid of the random file stuff. Just click on the hyperlink to see the video.
You might want to turn down the volume its kinda loud...( and btw this is only my room not my game room also, i'll post that later though. View My...
I like his singing at the end lol
sorry about the inconvenience, i just forgot about it...
uhh turtle yah ummmmm i just forgot my other acc's username AND password, i know it sounds stupid but yeah. (this is not a lie, ask Klaydude11, my...
i created this account cuz i forgot my other account's username AND password =p
When i was going to change my gamertag, I was looking at the Xbox Live's recommendations and i came across a gamertag titled: TechnicalWalnut. I...
LOL, whatever ill talk normally from now on. Also, enjoy this picture: [IMG]
Cat numbah one(Allie): not floppy much Cat numbah two(Ajay): not floppy much Cat numbah tree(Marshmallow): supah floppy
Hi der! I'z be Tom dah Turtle. I like pancakez. I like playing teh Xboxz and garry's mod. I have three catz and day are floppy. I am not that...