Thank you very much, I'll try this out later :)
That seed is just... awesome, what are the co-ordinates for the centre of the map?
-Look at them -Seal off any access to them -Spin around and look at a pool of lava -#Winning
And I think it's on sale for a few more days :D
I made an item elevator! (not sure what it's good for though :P) YouTube - Minecraft vertical item lift - final design‏
Portal mod - adds portal stuff (thanks -insert name here- for showing me it! :D) Adventure craft - Pretty awesome adventureness
Jeb, I am dissapoint (that means me too). I just realised that I missed the word forums from "the Minecraft forums" :P
-New cobble texture -Pistons don't launch anything As for the changelog thing, the good peoples of the Minecraft deciphered the "Experience...
From what I've heard, Minecraft is going to be released on Kinect.
Minecraft for Kinect apparently
To the shadow orbs!
No! Go all movie on them and prop a chair against the door! :P
Ok :P
Connect to what? Lots of servers are most likely still downgraded
Didn't notice this for 5 whole days, I guess you'd need to find the Canary forums because Hmod is now discontinued :P
In that case, try the mod "Single player commands" (SPC for short)
Sleeping in a bed will set it as your spawn location
To quote a post from one of the threads (where Blue was present and he didn't deny it):
Sweet, just got an email - free games!? Sony has awarded me for playing Minecraft!
From what I've heard, using hacks and stuff will make every server auto ban you.