While a full-on metallic palette has never settled well with me aesthetically, I think this map pulls it off really nicely with the contrast...
I saw the picture and thought to myself, Behemoth must be silently weeping joyfully. I remember when we were both looking at all the submissions...
Several minutes late, guys! Sorry!! Gamertag: Minister Muffin Map name: The Repository Map Link: Might be here? Not sure... Digital content...
I'll be on soon to talk to you if you'll be on.
Contour, Traverse, Cache. Contour, with its lumps Reminds me of a space cat Yellow Meow mix. Lumps. Traverse, no warthog warthogless is this...
I like what's coming along. As far as I can see, it has a solid layout. However, I feel you should take off the roof for some areas. Letting some...
When did you build this!? You need to show me this. Aside from the shock, I think the idea with the warthog is really interesting and new, and...
****, man. I hate surgery. When I was about 13, I got hit in the head with a golf club and had to have surgery to repair some, but I was so wiped...
Saw this just when you posted it. I really wish I had gotten more games on this, as I have heard great things and have had a blast playing on it...
I've played this playlist about five times and I'm really hoping that I won't play shutout for a sixth time. It seems that every time I play on...
I'm going to rebuild Citro. Half of the map is too much of a pain in the ass. The little tunnels screwed me over and the terrain is too high. Mock...
I signed up for your lobby. Hopefully tonight I can show you what witchcraft I have been working with the last week and a half.
Okay, that makes more sense.. However, I don't believe that this will work out. There are some very odd opinions out there, and only a small...
Hopefully they will put some of our best maps in mm. Honestly, the maps in Reach mm were not the best by a long shot. I've seen some great maps in...
Mock. Check out my Lin prog tonight. It's almost finished.
I am slowly loving every canvas a little more, but I think I discovered that Erosion really makes for a run-down flood map. Berb showed me a...
Looks very nice, Rem. Gives an eerie feeling when I watch it. Definitely can't wait till you release it for dl. :)
This map looks interesting. I feel that the space is evenly distributed throughout the map, nothing is too centered in one area. However, that...
Happened to me, as well on one of my recent maps. After thinking, I do believe that objects started disappearing. I will definitely look out for...
****. I was the only one out of almost all my friends who knew this and now everyone will know. If 343i tries to cover some simple DLC mistake,...