Nice map there is lots of clean interlocking and I like the aesthetics. I'm guessing that there is good spawns and good game play. You have a DL...
This map is the best so far in the Foreign Treasures contest. There is good, clean interlocking and everything there is on the old map. I like the...
This is the best map pack I have ever seen! The layout of the maps are great, weapon placement looks really good too. 10/10! You have a DL from me.
Did you use any interlocking or ghost merging? It looks like you were in a hurry so you just made this map. I'll give it a 4/10.
I'm not quite sure about dropping fusion coils from the sky but you clean up the walls a bit. Also, nice layout of the outer walls, it adds some...
If you could add some info on the weapons that would be better and some action pictures. If you don't have any action pictures maybe you should...
I agree, the AC-130 just isn't the same without different types of shots. I would also try to have more interlocking throughout the whole map.
If you put some details in your thread that would help a bunch. Because if you download this map then you will have no clue where to go or what...
I'm wondering how to get into the hill, because will 200% gravity you can't jump very high.
This map is awesome! The only thing is that I'm wondering what happened to the barrier in the second last picture?
Look pretty good, but there look like there is a lot of camping spots. I haven't checked it out but it doesn't look like there is many weapons on...