Thank you. By "overview" I assume you mean a panoramic screenshot with labels? If so, I'll get on that.
I made the map in Montana, an almost unused section of Forge World with some interesting geological features. I threw in some rock to enhance...
The map is designed to be primarily aesthetic, but it serves a multitude of recreational and practice purposes as well. It was originally designed...
An Infection map where the survival rate is significantly higher. It was based off an old Infection map I did in Cold Storage. I downloaded...
It's an old infection map I made a couple of years ago. The map hasn't been altered much asthetically. It's primarily FX effects with a few...
All set. I'm surprised they let me embed all the images... most forums I go to have embedding limits on their site. 0.o Coolio. Expect some good...
Isn't 16 images too many?
This work?
MuFFin V2 was inspired by some random Foundry maps a friend and I set up a few years ago. We just dropped stuff places and it although extreme...