Klaydude, the server says I'm banned. Can I be unbanned? I didn't do anything.
Can I be added onto the server too. In game name is : TheDenzian
Whitelist me too, Klaydude. My Minecraft name is TheDenzian.
I'll help playtest most of the time. I may not be able to test all the time though, due to school. My GT is : The Denzian. I have a mic, too....
ok then
I didn't work again, Fuuuuuu
still didn't work, it said that it couldn't connect.
the link didn't work.
here's another link, http://www.forgehub.com/forum/gaming-discussion/104347-cod-black-ops-perk-killstreak-list.html
here's the link to black ops link, Call of Duty: Black Ops for Xbox 360 - Preview - G4tv.com
Here is what I think should be done. Give the commander either a rocket launcher, rocket pod, or laser a quarter into the game. Halfway into the...
The most popular games for me, that also get my vote, in order will be Reach, Black Ops, Fable 3, and possibly Fallout : New Vegas.
just wondering, can you send me some vids of reach if it isn't too hard
Here's a thread I made about screenshots. Look for the Imageshack tutorial.
These are are two ideas I've come up with this week. Bunker Wars(nuetral assault) The area where the map is built is on the island, the shore,...
do you have Steam
I'll add you when I get back from vacation. Also, just saying, I don't think I could be part of a machinima yet, my voice is whiny.
Thanks for the compliment to my ideas. Anyway when Reach comes out do you want to forge with me?
Another idea I have is to make an Alcatraz cops and robbers map on the island. You start out in your cells and have to escape (or stay and do the...
I copy/pasted this from a post of mine on another thread. The idea I is an idea for a casual race map. The race track would be enclosed in a...