[IMG] This is the best screenshot I've taken on Halo 3, and it's just supposed to show how badass my multiplayer spartan can look, as this is the...
It's a pity this died a horrible death, I enjoyed the official one so much. I think we should try to make another one, but try to get a mod or...
I for one think its definitely possible, as long as ForgeHub grows to a large enough size, just look at MLG, they've got their own playlist....
I've downloaded and they are awesome, but both links are to xTREAM, I had to go to your fileshare to find uTurn
Re: One Flag CTF Map: Fort Rampancy This looks awesome, I will definitely DL.
Yeah, you could also use KotH to stop people from jumping into the middle, PM if you don't know how to do that :)
But if you get it moved to premium, new people who sign up to forgehub won't be able to see it, and we need as many people as possible to see this...
Overlapping spawn areas are actually less I complicated than they seem... I think. An enemy spawn area on it's own doesn't prevent a player from...
Well I helped my friend make a lockout remake and I came up with a KotH gametype substituting instant death. All you need to do is place a hill on...
Re: "FH Standards" Map Database Yeah, it would be perfect for most 1v1 maps, so it would make sense if it was the standard. Maybe change the time...
Of course, pretty much all race gametypes have to have one checkpoint or they are pointless.
Well now I know that, if you have your teams only spawn area inside another teams spawn and you only have 1 spawn, then you will spawn there, but...
Oh i forgot to say, I did get the warthog to work very well, and will send to anyone who wants to see it :D
Yeah ditto, hey OP do I have you're permission to make gametypes with this?
This should be posted in halo discussion here: http://www.forgehub.com/home/index.php?board=30.0 Or forge discussion here:...
Maybe it would be possible to implement something in the game settings that would be favorable for a team to kill their VIP or have him betray...
To put you at ease, it is the right section of the forums, but sorry I can't help you with you're problem
Yeah, mine is basically the two elephants as bases, but also the albatross and crashed covie ship are weapon caches. And I want to have blasted...
You can change what? I know it chooses randomly, I'm just wondering if there is a way, even if invloves killing some players at the start of the...
Re: Grifball Tournament!!! Do you know me or Supa Midget? Cause Midget had someone in mind and so do I.